Mesa, Arizona’s Preferred PTSD Disorder Hospital

Trauma is an unfortunately common experience. For some people, trauma causes temporary distress. For others, the effects of trauma cause them to experience a variety of distressing and potentially debilitating symptoms. Severe symptoms in the aftermath of trauma may indicate that a person has developed posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. 

When you decide to get professional treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder or the effects of trauma, you take a courageous step toward a healthier future. Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, located in Mesa, Arizona, provides personalized inpatient treatment for PTSD and the effects of trauma for adolescents ages 11-17 and adults age 18 and older. 

What Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?

As noted by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), posttraumatic stress disorder can occur after a person has directly experienced, witnessed, or learned about a traumatic event. 

Examples of traumatic events that can potentially lead to the onset of PTSD include military combat; acts of terrorism; physical, sexual, or emotional abuse; the unexpected death of a loved one; natural disasters; and other life-threatening experiences.  

When someone experiences a traumatic event and their distress begins to negatively impact their ability to function, they may be suffering from PTSD. 

Signs of PTSD

People who are struggling after experiencing a trauma may exhibit a variety of signs. Depending on the nature and severity of these signs, they may indicate that a person has developed PTSD.  

Common warning signs that someone may be suffering from PTSD include: 

  • Acting with uncharacteristic aggressiveness or recklessness 
  • Displaying dramatic mood swings 
  • Being easily startled 
  • Getting angry quickly 
  • Avoiding anything that might remind them of the traumatic event 
  • Pulling away from friends or family members 

Children and adolescents may show additional warning signs, such as suddenly starting to be disruptive or disrespectful to others. They may also begin engaging in destructive behaviors and have thoughts of wanting to get revenge. 

Anyone who displays any signs of PTSD should speak with a qualified behavioral healthcare provider. Receiving an accurate diagnosis can be an essential step on the path to healing. 

Symptoms of PTSD

A person who is struggling with PTSD or other effects of trauma may experience a variety of symptoms, including: 

  • Recurring, intrusive, and distressing memories of the traumatic event 
  • Sleep problems, including nightmares 
  • Difficulty focusing or concentrating 
  • Frequently feeling tense or on edge 
  • Feeling as though they are disconnected from their body or their surroundings 
  • Persistent sense of being in danger 
  • Having flashbacks or feeling as though they are experiencing the traumatic event again 
  • Having ongoing dreams about the event 
  • Finding it difficult or impossible to experience joy 
  • Having an overwhelming sense of shame or guilt 
  • Having trouble remembering the event or specific things that happened during the event 

Like with the behavioral warning signs of PTSD or the effects of trauma, anyone who experiences any physical, mental, or emotional symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder should complete an assessment with a qualified professional to see if they can benefit from receiving care at a PTSD treatment center.  

Common Causes of & Risk Factors for PTSD

Everyone who develops posttraumatic stress disorder will have experienced one or more traumatic events. But many people experience trauma without developing PTSD or suffering from other long-term effects. Experts have identified several causes and factors that can increase a person’s risk for developing PTSD after experiencing trauma.  

Possible causes of and risk factors for PTSD include: 

  • Developing certain emotional concerns or mental health disorders during childhood 
  • Experiencing neglect or abuse as a child 
  • Lower socioeconomic status 
  • Lower educational advancement 
  • Exposure to previous trauma or other types of adversity  
  • Family history of certain mental health disorders 
  • Being female 
  • Having insufficient coping skills 
  • Lacking emotional support from friends or family members 

Trauma & PTSD Statistics

The following trauma and PTSD statistics were reported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 

  • Six out of every 100 people, or 6% of the population, will suffer from PTSD at some point in their lives. 
  • It is more common for women to suffer from PTSD than men. It is suggested that this could be due to the fact that women are more susceptible to experiencing different types of traumas, such as sexual assault. 
  • Veterans are more likely to struggle with PTSD than people who are not members of the military. 
  • Studies have shown that as many as 45% of female and 43% of male children and adolescents live through a traumatic event. 
  • Female children and adolescents are more likely than males to suffer from PTSD after experiencing a trauma. It is noted that between 3% and 15% of girls develop the disorder, compared with 1%-6% of boys. 

Potential Effects of Trauma & PTSD

Failing to get appropriate care for the effects of trauma or PTSD can put people at risk for suffering from many negative impacts. The potential effects of trauma or PTSD include: 

  • Strained or ruined relationships 
  • Poor performance at work or in school 
  • Job loss and financial difficulties 
  • Onset or worsening of other mental health concerns 
  • Substance use 
  • Physical injuries and legal problems due to dangerous or reckless behaviors 
  • Social withdrawal or isolation 
  • Sense of hopelessness and helplessness 
  • Self-harm 
  • Thoughts of death and suicide 

Getting care from qualified mental healthcare providers like the team at our inpatient PTSD treatment center can reduce your risk for continued negative effects of trauma or PTSD, and it can help you heal from any harm you’ve already experienced.  

The Benefits of Treatment for the Effects of Trauma & PTSD

The benefits of getting inpatient treatment for the effects of trauma or posttraumatic stress disorder include working in close collaboration with a team of experienced professionals who can identify and address all your needs. 

Untreated PTSD can negatively impact your physical, emotional, financial, and social well-being. By receiving personalized PTSD care, you can work with a treatment team that can help you learn to manage your thoughts and feelings, regain control of your behaviors, and make the lifestyle changes that can promote continued progress. 

Treatment for PTSD and the effects of trauma at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital includes several evidence-based services that are provided in a safe and welcoming environment. The day you arrive at our inpatient trauma and PTSD treatment center, you will realize that you are not alone. Here, you will discover the support you need to achieve the future you deserve.  

Why Choose Our Arizona Trauma & PTSD Treatment Center?

At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, we are committed to providing comprehensive, personalized treatment for the effects of trauma and PTSD for adolescents ages 11-17 and adults age 18 and older. By choosing to receive care for PTSD or the effects of trauma at our inpatient treatment center, you can rest assured that you will be working with compassionate professionals in a safe, welcoming, and highly supportive environment. 

When you come to our inpatient trauma and PTSD treatment center in Mesa, Arizona, you will complete a comprehensive assessment that allows our team to gather the information we need to create a treatment plan that is tailored to meet your needs. Examples of things that may be part of your treatment plan include: 

  • Group therapy: Group therapy is the main treatment method at our inpatient PTSD treatment center. In group sessions, licensed therapists lead discussions on topics like life skills, goal setting, relapse prevention, and coping skills. Group therapy is also a great time for patients to come together with their peers and receive support and encouragement.  
  • Medication management services: There are times when medication can be a beneficial part of a person’s overall treatment for PTSD. If this is part of a patient’s treatment plan, they meet with registered nurses and licensed practical nurses for medication management services. These professionals distribute and monitor the effects of the medication. 
  • Basic medical care: Our team of physicians and registered nurses is able to provide basic medical care on an as-needed basis. However, we cannot provide IVs, wound care, or other types of intensive medical treatment, so if a patient needs that level of care, we will refer them to an appropriate provider. 
  • Detoxification services: If a patient comes to our trauma and PTSD treatment center with drugs or alcohol in their system, they may need to go through detox before starting the rest of their treatment process. When this is the case, our team of addictionologists and medical doctors provides detox services to help the patient as they go through the withdrawal process. Patients who are going through withdrawal from opioids may receive a prescription for Suboxone, but that medication is only prescribed on a case-by-case basis and may not be beneficial for everyone. 

All care at our inpatient treatment center for PTSD and the effects of trauma is delivered by a compassionate team of experienced professionals. The staff members patients may work with during their time in our care include psychiatrists, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, behavioral health specialists, and addictionologists. 

At Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital, we honor the strength and resilience of each adolescent or adult who takes part in treatment for the effects of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder. We view each person as a unique and valuable individual who deserves superior care, comprehensive support, and customized services that can enable them to make progress toward improved mental health and long-term healing. 

When you seek treatment for PTSD or the effects of trauma at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital in Maricopa County, you can learn to manage your symptoms and regain control of your thoughts and behaviors.  

Don’t let untreated effects of trauma rob you of one more day. Get the PTSD treatment you need so that you can experience the healthier future you deserve. 

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Agave Ridge Behavioral Hospital.